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Community Outreach

Guild Sponsored Outreach

Each year the Outreach Committee organizes a variety of sewing-related activities to help community organizations and individuals within Lanark County. The LCQG has traditionally donated a quilt that a non-profit can raffle to raise funds for their cause.​​

The 2021-22 quilt was donated to Plan B, "a Lanark Highlands-based volunteer group advocating for health equity and social justice through strong community ties. Always working towards an even more supportive and inclusive community." Read more on our blog

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— Name, Title

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A placemat drive continues this year to bring joy to the clients of both the Perth and Smiths Falls food banks.

Read our blog to learn more.

Community Sewing

Charity & community sewing projects Guild members are involved in.
Community Caring Quilters

Community Caring Quilters started 14 years ago with a focus on making quilts for children in foster care in Lanark County. Last year we donated over 100 quilts to Children’s Aid and Victim Services; we recently added Interval House to the agencies we supply. We meet every two weeks at the Perth Civitan Club which generously provides our meeting space and allows us to store our fabric and batting there at no charge. Members can sew from our large fabric stash without having to dip into their own resources! Originally, we sewed at our biweekly meetings but now, after a “Show & Tell” we pick up supplies, sandwich our quilts and sew at home. Often a quilt is made by more than one member, with one person piecing the quilt top, another quilting it and a third binding. During COVID we have been meeting via Zoom. Most members prefer to sew comfort sized quilts with a maximum of 40” X 60”, but with the addition of three members who own long arm quilting machines, we are now able to provide larger quilts as well. Our group consists of both Guild & non-Guild members. We are happy to welcome new members. Please contact: Anna Cornel at 613 267 6126 or annamcornel27 [at]

Quilts of Valour

The mission of the Quits of Valour (QoV) " to ensure that injured Canadian Forces members are recognized for their service and commitment to our country. We give this support through the presentation of quilts to comfort our injured past and present Canadian Forces members." The Canadian QoV group was founded in 2006 in Alberta and now extends from coast to coast to coast. Our Rideau Lakes-Westport group was started in 2016. In the beginning, six women would meet at a member's home to sew and quilt. Now with more than 35 members, we have our monthly "quilting bees" on the third Tuesday of each month at the North Crosby Hall, Rideau Lakes, just outside of Westport. We have produced and presented 486 quilts; our area covers Kingston, Perth/Smiths Falls to Wolfe Island, and Bath to Brockville. Now that restrictions are being lifted, we are looking forward to once again, meeting, laughing, sharing, eating, and teaching one another while we participate in the wonderful art of quilt making. There are many things we do to create and present quilts. If you can sew, iron/press, fold/cut fabric, longarm quilt, help with paperwork, or would just like to be part of the group we will have a job for you! Come join us! We always look forward to welcoming new members. For more information about the Canadian QoV, please visit our website For information about joining the Rideau Lakes-Westport group contact: Donna Easter donna.easter [at] or by phone: 613 273 3943

Heart to Heart Quilts Lanark County

Heart to Heart Quilts Lanark County (HHQLC) is a registered charity and volunteer organization whose mission is to create and gift handmade quilts to children, youth and adults in and around Lanark County who are living with the challenges of debilitating diseases or conditions. Upholding our motto "From our hearts to your heart", this group of 30 volunteers meets twice each month at St. Paul’s United Church in Perth and is always busy making quilts to be gifted. Quilts are provided at no cost to either the requestor or recipient. Anyone can request a quilt for a friend or a family member. Our charity has had wonderful support from the community and has operated successfully for nine years by continuing to be sensitive to the needs of others. In January 2022, Lanark County Community Grants Program supported HHQLC by providing $2,000 to be used to assist with the gifting of quilts to selected children and youth attending schools in the Upper Canada District School Board. Numerous quilts have already been delivered to 11 schools. The recipients have welcomed this source of comfort and are delighted that their individual quilts are representative of their favourite colours and interests. This special project is very rewarding and provides the opportunity for us to reach out to a younger population in Lanark County. For more information about Heart to Heart Quilts Lanark County, please visit us our website or call (613-267-2629). We welcome new members who share our mission of bringing comfort to others. To request a quilt, please email request [at] Request forms are available on our website.

Rideau Sewers Group – Lap Quilts for Local Hospitals.

On the second Wednesday of each month, anywhere from 10 to 20 experienced and new quilters gather at the Portland United Church to cut, sew and label lap sized quilts and to enjoy creating together. These quilts are given to palliative care and cancer patients and those on dialysis at the Smiths Falls and Perth Hospital locations and to those who are gravely ill at home. The quilts are created at the church as well as the homes of the various members who do ‘homework’ on be- half of the organization. Because of Covid-19 the sewers were unable to meet for several months so they worked from home and picked up supplies from the Church when necessary. Fabric and donations come to the group from a variety of service organizations and/or individuals. Use of the hall for the day workshops and storage of supplies is donated by the Church. Last year this dedicated group completed approximately 25 quilts to provide warmth and comfort to those in need. A quilt was also given to a young child from the local community who was dealing with cancer. For the last 3 years the Rideau Sewers have supported the CAF (the Lanark children’s aid for youth leaving foster care) with personal donations. New members are most welcome. For information contact Jane Pickard: 613 272-2524

Lanark County Quilters Guild

We're a non-profit group open to anyone interested in quilts and quilt making. We promote learning, and sharing, and support our local community.


Mailing address:

P.O. Box 20101
Perth, ON K7H 3M6

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@2024, Lanark County Quilters Guild

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