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Sew Masks for Perth Hospital

Hello everyone. I hope that this email finds you well and stitching up a storm.

After reaching out to our community health organizations to see what we could do to support the effort in battling the Covid-19 epidemic, we have received a quest from The Great War Memorial Hospital Foundation in Perth to make masks.

 These masks are intended for use by their non-medical staff only, NOT for nurses, doctors or patients. The official surgical and N95 masks are being reserved for our amazing medical professionals ,  but other hospital staff, administrators, janitorial and other department personnel need protection also.

A mask pattern has been developed and tested (my thanks to Anna Cornel for her assistance in testing) and we’re asking for as many of you that can to make masks. We know that most of us have enough stash to sink a ship and this is a perfect time to redeploy some fabric for a great cause.  A 14″ WOF strip (less than ½ metre) will make 2 masks and a fat quarter will make one. A contribution of one, two or more per member will be greatly appreciated by the hospital. You’ll find the pattern here: Face Mask2.

If you would like to participate, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. the fabric must be 100% cotton and pre-washed (hot water and no fabric softener). I used batik for my sample because is a very tightly woven fabric

  2. Interfacing is not required.

  3. The pattern was designed to use fabric ties instead of elastic as not everyone has elastic in their cupboard. Ties also allow the user to adjust the mask to their own head size.

  4. please place completed masks in individual  Ziploc sandwich bags , one mask per bag

Mask Drop off – Porch Pickup

Please do not drop off your masks at the hospital. We will be arranging delivery of all masks in one or two large bundles.

Drop off will be available into the trunk of my car (the little blue Fiat) on the following dates:

Tuesday April  14th and again on Friday April 24th. Two locations on each day.

  1. 10:00am – 11:00am, Lions Hall parking lot, Perth

  2. 12:00 noon – 1:00pm, Smiths Falls Community Centre/Arena parking lot, Smiths Falls

I’ll be there with the trunk open and keeping the appropriate social distance so you can drop you masks into the Rubbermaid box in the trunk.

Also, there will be a Rubbermaid box on my door step labeled “LCQG” at 24 Tudor Circle in Lombardy if you wish to drop them off at other times. Tudor Circle is off Kellys Road near the Lombardy Agricultural Centre.

If you are unable to drop off your masks, please contact me by phone or email and I’ll arrange porch pick-up by one of my volunteers.

Speaking of driver volunteers, anyone who could help with porch pick-up, please contact me.

If you need supplies for this effort, please contact one of our local fabric stores: Flare Fabrics, Perth Fabrics & Crafts, and Sew Crafty.

This is a great opportunity for us to contribute to the community by doing what we love….sewing!

I’m  not a professional pattern designer/author, so if you have any questions about the instructions, please feel free to call me

Thanking you all in advance.

Jane Burke




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Lanark County Quilters Guild

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